The size of Wales (TSoW)

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2021 was one of the most active tropical storm seasons since records began. Within that year, Hurricane Ida was the most powerful and costliest storm in the Atlantic.

Hurricane Ida first made landfall on the 26th August 2021 in the Cayman Islands. It gained energy and grew stronger within the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Three days later, on the 29th August, Ida reached the state of Louisiana on the US coast.

478 square kilometers of sugarcane crops in Louisiana were destroyed. This was around 26% of the total sugarcane harvest in the state, resulting in loss of earnings for farmers.

Extract from InfoAmazonia

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In a span of five years, the Amazon may have lost up to 23.7 million hectaresa> of forest, an area almost as large as the entire United Kingdom. These are the findings of a study published by the Amazon Network of Georeferenced Socio-Environmental Information (RAISG), pointing to three possible scenarios of deforestation from 2021 to 2025 – optimistic, moderate and pessimistic. According to the pessimistic scenario, in just five years, the largest tropical forest on earth will lose half of what it lost in the last 20 years (54.2 million hectares).