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British Musical Biography

A searchable database created from text at the Internet Archive.

British Musical Biography: a dictionary of musical artists, authors and composers, born in Britain and its colonies
By James D. Brown and Stephen S. Stratton.
Published 1897 by S.S. Stratton in Birmingham .

Automatically generated links are provided to related resources in the Calendar of London Concerts 1750-1800 and Concert Programmes Project. For example, see entry for Alexander William Smith.

This online resource was created as part of the InConcert project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council as part of the Transforming Musicology programme.

Cite this database as:
A. Dix, R. Cowgill, C. Bashford, S. McVeigh and R. Ridgewell (2014-). British Musical Biography online. (online version of J. Brown and S. Stratton, 1897). InConcert Project. accessed 28 Mar 2025. http://datatodata.com/in-concert/BMB/
  • InConcert
  • AHRC